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Welcome to the Seville CFA Web Site

The Seville Rural Fire Brigade was established in 1941 and has been involved in every major fire in Victoria including, Ash Wednesday in 1983, The Dandenong Ranges Fires in 1997, Eastern Victorian (Alpine) Fires in 2003 and most recently, the Black Saturday bushfires; members have also been involved in major interstate fires in NSW & SA. 

The brigade has a long history of supporting the local community and surrounding towns. Did you know that we turn out to around 120 incidents a year? These dont just include fires, other incidents we respond to are Car accidents, Storm Damage, Also Search & Rescue.

Seville's current fleet of appliances consists of two tankers (3,000 Litres), and a slip on unit (Land Rover Defender) (See More info in the Appliances Section), most recently with help of the local community we were able to purchase a Thermal (Infra Red) Imaging Camera. This camera allows us to use state of the art techniques, meaning faster results and less damage.

The Seville brigade currently has over 45 members; they range from brigade members to active fire fighters.